Jubilation in the ranks

Finally, at long last, the day has arrived.

I strolled by the chicken coop and lo and behold, there, nestled in the straw, was AN EGG. Shock.Disbelief. Joy. Jubilation. Celebration. At long last, I have confirmation that my hens can lay. Due to this recent event, I have formulated a theory on my hens laying habits.


Right now its the middle of winter here, and my hens have only become old enough to lay a month or two ago. (Aside from the two that are probably too old now. ) I believe that my hens only lay in warm weather. This past week has been lovely weather, in fact, it feels like spring. Birds are nesting, flowers are budding, and all our neighbors’ roses are in full bloom. Quite recently we had a partial lunar eclipse, which is usually a spring or summer thing. I think that this past warm weather has fooled the nature around us to believe it is spring.

But alas, such things do not last forever and its currently pouring rain. I think the hens will stop laying for now, until the real spring. But nonetheless, it is a cause for celebration!

The eggs aside, there is another pressing matter I must share.

We bought a new guinea pig!

Meet Big Chungus, the large, healthy albino guinea pig we bought a week or two ago.

Big Chungus is my personal guinea pig, hence the absolutely meaningless and ridiculous name.

I’m unsure of its gender, but I think we’ve all subconsciously decided that Chungus is male and Rainbow Dash is female.

I have also recently began trying to sell all my non-breeding budgies, since I really only need my breeding pairs. My cocketiels are all healthy and happy, and are enjoying the toys and treats I regularly give them. My chickens are also bursting with health since I have been giving them extra mineral supplements. Their feathers have never been so soft!

In conclusion: All is well!

However, I will keep you updated about the egg situation!

2 thoughts on “Jubilation in the ranks

  1. Congratulations! That first egg is always exciting! Your hens will, indeed, stop laying if it gets too cold, but not to worry. They should produce for several years.
    I, too, am starting to downsize my flock of inside birds.

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